Saturday 9 March 2013

Dimension Hop

We have a name! Working title sure, but still! We've decided to call our game, as a working-title "Dimension Hop", and I think it's genius!

This week we presented our game after a long crunch last week, we surprised ourselves by actually getting everything finished!! The presentation wasn't as daunting as i'd expected, we didn't have to stand up or anything, just sit down and display our prototype/art and talk about the game, then we answered couple of questions asked by the class, all in all, it went really well!

With that said, let's talk more about the game with a name (oh god...why)

Now we have some art concepts, we have the different dimensions, the bunnies, and the mechanics of each dimension in mind. So basically, as you run through the levels, you can switch between dimensions to over come different obstacles you may encounter, the dimension specific mechanics we have are;

Void - You can teleport a short distance through walls/obstacles
Paper - You can avoid fall damage by floating to safety down big drops
Robot - You can extend out your arms and grab onto nearby ledges or climb walls
Biscuit - You can crumble yourself through really small gaps and spaces to progress

Onto some concept art.

Hop the bunny! (By Ryan)
The Ginger bread bunny (By Harry)

The robot bunny (By Harry)

Void bunny (By Harry)

Origami rabbit (By Harry)

Dimension worlds (By Simon)

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