Wednesday 20 March 2013

Draw like nobodies watching

I've not posted anything too recently because well, I'm starting to rant about art again. Basically, we have our second hand in date fast approaching and the art is still way behind, we have no backgrounds done, (and we need 4!), and the rabbit sprites seem to be a bit lack luster, although everyone has pitched in and gotten Hop's (Our amazing protagonists) sprites finished, I just don't think they're at the kind of standard we need. I'm really starting to fear that we're going to let this amazing game idea not reach its maximum potential due to art. So, I'm going to undertake the most grim task of re-doing all of the sprites for Hop, So if I go quiet on here for a while, I've probably jumped out of my bedroom window!

Here are the current Sprites;

Hop in the biscuit dimension (Ginger bread Hop)

Hop in the metal dimension (Robo Hop)

Hop in the Void dimension (Normal Hop)

So, they're the sprites, and I don't think they're currently good enough to feature in the game! The only bunny I really like was done by Simon, and that's Hop in the paper dimension, I'll post it below, but I'm going to model all the other sprites based off this one, so the dimensions HOPS (punderful!) are smooth from dimension to dimension.

Simons awesome paper Hop

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