Sunday 31 March 2013

New Sprites #3 - The Void Bunny

Ok, Since my art has been loved so far, which is super happy about, even though, to be frank, I don't want to be doing art, it's not what I'm here to do, I feel i'm falling behind on the programming side... Anyway..

This is my last sprite, It's not yet complete, there's a few things I don't like about it still, so i'll repost it when it's finished, but I don't have time at the moment to change it any further, it's as good as it needs to be for the time being

Once again, old sprite first...

Old Sprite
And the new *not complete*...

New Sprite
I tried to keep this as in line with the original Hop drawn by Ryan, with the purple patch and ripped up ear, I just added a button eye and some rips here and there, meh, it's not the best, but i'm no artist :(

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