Thursday 14 March 2013

A change of pace

Now that we've gotten through the first hand in, we've been able to talk about how we think everything went, and how we think everyone is doing etc! Although we think the game is coming along quite nicely, I can't help but think since nobody wants to do art as a main discipline, it's starting to slacking behind, BIG time. Naturally, if we make a great game, with great mechanics and a cool style, the art is going to be a massively important aspect of it, I personally think for the style of game we're designing and the way it's played, we NEED better art. So....

As it stands, Harry is currently making the sprites for all of the bunny's, so we'll wait and see how they turn out, but we have decided that everyone should help pitch in with the art here and there, even myself (Sadface).

Moving on to what we've been doing recently (which is relevant!) It's time to start looking at, yes you guessed it , art styles, and how we want our games to look and feel, we've been told to find games with art potential art styles we want to imitate (to a certain degree). We were told to just take 5 colours from each screenshot, and that's a basic pallet for the environment, It sounds complicated! Here are some examples;

Botanicular - We like the way this games looks so simple, yet so damn good!

Fat Princesses - Another great cartoon style art, This is what we want to aim for.

Castle Crashers - I chose this one personally because I love the style and the humour,  I don't think our game should take itself seriously!

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