Sunday 31 March 2013

New Sprites #3 - The Void Bunny

Ok, Since my art has been loved so far, which is super happy about, even though, to be frank, I don't want to be doing art, it's not what I'm here to do, I feel i'm falling behind on the programming side... Anyway..

This is my last sprite, It's not yet complete, there's a few things I don't like about it still, so i'll repost it when it's finished, but I don't have time at the moment to change it any further, it's as good as it needs to be for the time being

Once again, old sprite first...

Old Sprite
And the new *not complete*...

New Sprite
I tried to keep this as in line with the original Hop drawn by Ryan, with the purple patch and ripped up ear, I just added a button eye and some rips here and there, meh, it's not the best, but i'm no artist :(

Thursday 28 March 2013

New Sprites #2 - The Robot Bunny

I'm on a roll! New sprite today, I won't type too much, just posting images for a while! I'm actually super excited about showing this one though, I think it's truly EPIC! ^_^

Old robot Hop...

Old Sprite
The new robo Hop...

New Sprite
I decided to make this one half robot, half rabbit! With metal plating welded onto half his body, and both of his arms, it really fits in nice with the broken toys theme! Also, with the extended arms mechanic! Success!

Tuesday 26 March 2013

New Sprites #1 - The Biscuit Bunny

So, since I'm doing nothing but art at the moment, which I don't like, but feel it's necessary for the game, I first starting working on the biscuit bunny, It took me quite a while to get it all finished but I think it looks pretty good. I used Simons paper bunny as a prefab to, so there can be seamless switching between the two!

Here was the original ginger bread Hop...
Old Sprite

And here's the new...

New Sprite

So here is the new ginger bread Hop! He has chocolate dipped paws an ears, as well as smarties for buttons and his nose! I think I need to tweak it a bit more but hopefully this is a step in the right (art) direction!

Wednesday 20 March 2013

Draw like nobodies watching

I've not posted anything too recently because well, I'm starting to rant about art again. Basically, we have our second hand in date fast approaching and the art is still way behind, we have no backgrounds done, (and we need 4!), and the rabbit sprites seem to be a bit lack luster, although everyone has pitched in and gotten Hop's (Our amazing protagonists) sprites finished, I just don't think they're at the kind of standard we need. I'm really starting to fear that we're going to let this amazing game idea not reach its maximum potential due to art. So, I'm going to undertake the most grim task of re-doing all of the sprites for Hop, So if I go quiet on here for a while, I've probably jumped out of my bedroom window!

Here are the current Sprites;

Hop in the biscuit dimension (Ginger bread Hop)

Hop in the metal dimension (Robo Hop)

Hop in the Void dimension (Normal Hop)

So, they're the sprites, and I don't think they're currently good enough to feature in the game! The only bunny I really like was done by Simon, and that's Hop in the paper dimension, I'll post it below, but I'm going to model all the other sprites based off this one, so the dimensions HOPS (punderful!) are smooth from dimension to dimension.

Simons awesome paper Hop

Thursday 14 March 2013

A change of pace

Now that we've gotten through the first hand in, we've been able to talk about how we think everything went, and how we think everyone is doing etc! Although we think the game is coming along quite nicely, I can't help but think since nobody wants to do art as a main discipline, it's starting to slacking behind, BIG time. Naturally, if we make a great game, with great mechanics and a cool style, the art is going to be a massively important aspect of it, I personally think for the style of game we're designing and the way it's played, we NEED better art. So....

As it stands, Harry is currently making the sprites for all of the bunny's, so we'll wait and see how they turn out, but we have decided that everyone should help pitch in with the art here and there, even myself (Sadface).

Moving on to what we've been doing recently (which is relevant!) It's time to start looking at, yes you guessed it , art styles, and how we want our games to look and feel, we've been told to find games with art potential art styles we want to imitate (to a certain degree). We were told to just take 5 colours from each screenshot, and that's a basic pallet for the environment, It sounds complicated! Here are some examples;

Botanicular - We like the way this games looks so simple, yet so damn good!

Fat Princesses - Another great cartoon style art, This is what we want to aim for.

Castle Crashers - I chose this one personally because I love the style and the humour,  I don't think our game should take itself seriously!

Saturday 9 March 2013

Dimension Hop

We have a name! Working title sure, but still! We've decided to call our game, as a working-title "Dimension Hop", and I think it's genius!

This week we presented our game after a long crunch last week, we surprised ourselves by actually getting everything finished!! The presentation wasn't as daunting as i'd expected, we didn't have to stand up or anything, just sit down and display our prototype/art and talk about the game, then we answered couple of questions asked by the class, all in all, it went really well!

With that said, let's talk more about the game with a name (oh god...why)

Now we have some art concepts, we have the different dimensions, the bunnies, and the mechanics of each dimension in mind. So basically, as you run through the levels, you can switch between dimensions to over come different obstacles you may encounter, the dimension specific mechanics we have are;

Void - You can teleport a short distance through walls/obstacles
Paper - You can avoid fall damage by floating to safety down big drops
Robot - You can extend out your arms and grab onto nearby ledges or climb walls
Biscuit - You can crumble yourself through really small gaps and spaces to progress

Onto some concept art.

Hop the bunny! (By Ryan)
The Ginger bread bunny (By Harry)

The robot bunny (By Harry)

Void bunny (By Harry)

Origami rabbit (By Harry)

Dimension worlds (By Simon)