Saturday 25 May 2013

Hello blogger my old friend.

Whoops, so once again, I've totally neglected this blog. Last time I posted was hours away from our tech proto type demo, and also all documentation, one which I thought Harry would never finish. Alas, all went well! A few problems here and there, but with the backgrounds, the tiles, and the HUD I did in the last few hours really made a great visual upgrade since the last time we displayed the game, and people noticed!

So, what now? Now we're in full on production mode, no more designing the game, only making it, our next deadline is to produce a vertical slice, this means to have at least one part of the game totally perfect, just one section, with all mechanics working, perfect art, perfect animation (which after nearly 2 months, we've still seen nothing!) perfect everything, as in, like the game could be released in such a state.. Oh god!

Although this seems a ways off right now, i'm sure we'll pull together and get it done. Me personally, I've not written a line of code in about 3 months due to the fact I've been doing nothing but art, and this really is NOT why i'm here studying, although our game is looking nice and starting to come together, I feel I have not progressed in my chosen discipline at all this year, and I feel pretty damn bad about it, and I'm so far behind with all the code and the deadlines are so strict I'm finding it impossible to get back into it. 

So for now, the game looks great, but ONCE again, one part of the art looks bad, and that's the tiles, so I'm going to re-do all of them, for every dimension... Sigh.

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