Sunday 10 February 2013

Critical thinking, show and tell!

This week we had our first "show and tell" kind of set-up on the monday, in the form of a group crit session, this is basically the 3 groups talking about their ideas to far, and where they wanted to go with their games, to the rest of the groups, if that makes any sense :S

Unfortunately, I didn't make it in, so I can't write too much about how it went, only what I was told, and that was that it went well, and the other groups seemed to like the ideas we'd come up with so far!

This same week, I had finally started writing code, YAY! This is what I had been waiting for, back into the programming fray, we split the coding up between me and Phil, and my first task was to code all the movement into the game, which I immediately dove into.

We also started using a site called ClockingIT which basically let's us all keep track of what tasks we need to do and when the deadlines are, it's free and really useful! Simon's basically the manager of our project, he's our dad :P

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