Sunday 9 December 2012

UDK Level: Pit of DeDesspair!

Ok, ok, ok! After some time working, my UDK multiplayer map is complete!

So, in the end I went with my original idea, I created a map loosely based off the old roman coliseum, I big open circle "ring", where players can duke it out to the death! Sounds fun, right?
When designing the PoD I tried to make it as fun and crazy as possible, I added many tiers to the pit, giving some players to hide and ambush enemies, I also added weapon spawns, ammo spawns, power-ups and a whole spew of spawn points, which i'll get to later. It's sunday night and tomorrow this will be shown and played by the class for feedback etc, I'm hoping it will receive a good reception and people have as much fun playing it as I had making it! Let's have a look at some screenshots;

So this is the entire map overview, it's not exactly a coliseum, but hey, it's round and full of death! I added walk ways from the inner to the outer circles, and no floor, hence the name, Pit of Despair! So if a player falls, it will be to his/her death!

So this will be the spawn point for 11/12 players, You can see the other opening around the outer circle in the distance, I designed it this way so as soon as the game begins, the action starts, there'll be no searching for people in this map!

Just a closer look at the bottom of the pit, you can see a walkway below, these leads to the inner circle, and the bottom tier of the outer circle, the only place of refuge! but as these bullets are showing, once you fall off, there's no savin' ya!

This is the core of the inner circle, this was the place was designed for all the players to try and flood to, there are weapons/armor/healthpacks and other goodies in here, if you can manage to hold this area, you'll be the king of the arena!

This is the final spawn place, the top tier of the inner circle, just you. A rocket launcher, and 11 surrounding players spawning. Have fun!

Monday 12 November 2012

Level Design using UDK

This. Sounds. Brilliant!

So, we're using the Unreal Design Kit (UDK) to design and make a 3D map... I know right!
The map is going to designed to be a FFA (Free for all) death mach, up to 12 players all going ham on one another, I can't wait to start designing.

We also looked at and played Unreal Tournament today in class so we could get a feel of the design, I've never really paid too much attention to why levels are the way they are in competitive FPS', but power-ups, and level structure really do "force" the players to converge on certain areas, to make sure there is always action and fighting, and not just people searching vigorously for each other to no avail.

My immediate thought was the have a Colosseum based level, since I've always loved small, tight levels, that are over quickly, and there's just insane amounts of chaos!

Obviously, I can't just make a flat battlefield inside the middle though, So i'll have to get my creative juices flowing in the next few weeks!

Wednesday 31 October 2012

The next step!

After writing up some concept documents, the next stage of development is the GPD (Game Proposal Document), If you check my blog from last year I believe I posted my GPD for my game "Elements" but I'll have to double check that one!

I posted 2 concept ideas up last week, and have decided to do my GPD on "Reign of Blood".

This post is a little late since I have been falling behind with the blog, so as I'm writing this, the document has been completed and turned in!! Whoops, sorry guys! I'll be sure to upload the document when I receive it back from my lecturer, Keep an eye out ! ^_<

Monday 15 October 2012

Game Concept #2: Soul Reaper

Soul Reaper

Soul Reaper is a third person hack and slash game set in a twisted world full of death and despair.

What happens when we die? This is the eternal question asked by everyone in the living world, what they don't know is there is actually a place for spirits to rest, depending on how you lived your life in the mortal world.
Within the depths of hell is where all the evil spirits spend their eternal damnation, but what happens when the spirits resist? Hell is spilling over into the spirit phase of the mortal world and causing chaos, paranormal activity and poltergeists are destabilising the fine balance between worlds.
You are one of Hells most feared soul reapers, and you have been called, to restore order.

Playing as a nightmarish soul reaper, Shin. You are sent into the mortal world to restore balance and send the evil souls back down to hell by force.
By any means necessary you will hack and slash your way through everything, upgrading you weapons and learning new techniques and abilities as you progress, you must find out who is giving these souls the strength to resist hells fury and fight back against the soul reapers.

Key features:
Highly Customisable - Your soul reapers looks are highly customisable with insignias, a wide range of colours, you can also customise and chose your starting weapon/armour before you get started.

Online battle arenas - Completed the game? Still want more excitement, with a new online feature you can battle other soul reapers 1v1 to level up your online rank using our fair match making system based on your level.

Specialisation - As you clear through waves of spirits your soul reaper will gain levels allowing you to specialise, making you more unique, whether you choose to melee foes dual wielding or blast them away using magic, or chose to be a defensive juggernaut.

Online Co-Op - A great feature is the co-op story mode allowing you to finish the game with a friend, but also, team up with up to 8 players in our special mode challenges to take down the biggest, baddest spirits around.

Upgrades - As you gain more levels you have more access to bigger and better weapons, armour and magic scrolls, these will have requirements depending on how you chose to specialise.

Counter attacking - If you block at the correct time in game, your soul reaper will perform a counter attack, blocking and returning a small amount of damage and gaining Soul power.
Soul smash - Once your soul power is full, you can release a devastating soul smash, one that is chosen by each soul reaper depending on how they're specialised.

Target audience:

This game will carry an age rating of 15+, and is suited best to anybody who loves dungeon crawling and hack and slash gaming. It will release on PC, Xbox and PS3.

Game Concept #1: Reign of Blood.

Twilight just had to ruin vampires for everybody, it's time to bring it back with...

Reign Of Blood
Reign of blood is a third person action adventure game immersing people into fast paced, dark world with a compelling story.

Brought into a dark secret world with no choice given, this is how most vampires begin their new life; this is no exception for Vladimir.
Taken in by the royal blood line and treated as one of their own, Vladimir was always scorned by his new kind. Green with envy, a reckless group of the brood decide that it is time for change, they assassinate your "blood father" and attempt to kill Vladimir too. Taking over they decide it's time to remain secret no longer, and they should not have to shy away from the humans, breaking the society Vladimir’ father lived to create. You must stop Gangrel, who is leading the new brood and avenge your father.

Set in the modern world, "Reign of blood" is seen through the eyes of Vladimir, a member of a secret society of ancient Vampires, after seeing his new father murdered and surviving assassination, he sets out to bring down the brood and avenge his blood family.
Roaming the streets at night you must uncover the secrets of the new brood and destroy anyone who dare oppose you, using Gaijun (Humans who know about the vampires) to supply you with blood, weapons and a place to hide away from the light.
There are multiple ways to reach your goal, drinking vials of specialised blood like your father, or feeding on weak humans you find at night, this choice is up to you, but be aware, it will change the outcome of your conquest for revenge.

Key features:
Real-Time world - Each day will start at dusk, and you will have only a certain amount of time each night to gather information, reach new goals before the sun rises, if you are not back in hiding at sunrise you will lose.

Blood Management - As a vampire, blood is life. Therefore you must keep an eye on your blood meter, if it starts to drop low you will lose movement speed and the ability to fight, you can counter this by drinking blood vials or feeding on humans/vampires.

Choosing your path - You must choose which path you want to walk, If you decide to not harm humans you will learn new abilities, as is the same if you feed on humans. Vampires who feed on humans have blood red eyes.

Immersive world - As well as being real time the world around you is large and boundless, while you're taking a break from pursuing the brood there are many side quests and secrets to uncover, depending on which path you decide to walk.

Feeding - As well as a versatile combat system you have the unique ability to "feed" on unsuspecting victims in an assassination like blood bath, but make sure you do not arouse too much suspicion while doing so.
Blood rage - While your blood meter is full you have the ability to active blood rage, which is a short burst of increased movement and attack speed, as well as an execute to finish of weakened foes.

Target audience:

This game will carry an age rating of 15+, and is suited best to anybody who loves immersive adventure games/sandbox with twisting plot lines. It will release on PC, Xbox and PS3.

Wednesday 26 September 2012

Time to design!

Back into the natural swing on things, it's time to write some concept documents for game ideas. We've been told to aim for the stars and be as creative as we so please, this means no realistic bound's on what we could actually achieve later in the year!

I'll post the concept documents as a whole as and when.

Monday 24 September 2012

Industry jobs; Programming.

So after a rather short break, it's already time to start my second year at Futureworks!

This year we're adding a "fourth discipline" to our roster of lessons, this being production, more or less designed to teach us about how to handle the production of a game, from time management to certain business aspects, it all sounds rather fun :)

The first task assigned was to choose an industry discipline (Art, Design, Programming), and look into the different roles within, I chose programming, I looked into job sites and articles such as "" and found there are many, many different roles within programming, It was a little overwhelming since at the moment I can't code my way out of a paper bag!

On a brighter note it was nice to see that there are many jobs going for various companies, and it seems like finding employment as a skilled programmer is fairy easy, let's just hope I can learn enough at Futureworks and make some games good enough to get an entry level position somewhere awesome!

Here's a quick copy and paste from a word document I made ^_^

Programming Roles within discipline:
Game Engine programmer: developing graphics and simulate physics to make up the game engine. Physics engine programmer: determining the physics that will be utilised, i.e real-world, space. Graphics engine programmer: mostly for smart-phones/hand held, troubleshooting 3d graphic renderers. AI programmer: design and develop technologies within game systems that simulates human behaviour. UI programmer: develop and maintain the user interface, developing multiple and one is selected to suit the game. Input programmer: develop the code that operates joysticks, keyboards, and other hardware devices affecting gameplay. Network programmer: develop codes that permit players to interact and play with other players in different locations through the Internet or a LAN Porting programmer: converting code from one platform to another. Generalist: locate bugs, eliminate them. (Smaller companies, multiple jobs) Lead game programmer: supervising all the programming performed while a new game is developed. Don't code much, overseeing and attending meeting