Sunday 9 December 2012

UDK Level: Pit of DeDesspair!

Ok, ok, ok! After some time working, my UDK multiplayer map is complete!

So, in the end I went with my original idea, I created a map loosely based off the old roman coliseum, I big open circle "ring", where players can duke it out to the death! Sounds fun, right?
When designing the PoD I tried to make it as fun and crazy as possible, I added many tiers to the pit, giving some players to hide and ambush enemies, I also added weapon spawns, ammo spawns, power-ups and a whole spew of spawn points, which i'll get to later. It's sunday night and tomorrow this will be shown and played by the class for feedback etc, I'm hoping it will receive a good reception and people have as much fun playing it as I had making it! Let's have a look at some screenshots;

So this is the entire map overview, it's not exactly a coliseum, but hey, it's round and full of death! I added walk ways from the inner to the outer circles, and no floor, hence the name, Pit of Despair! So if a player falls, it will be to his/her death!

So this will be the spawn point for 11/12 players, You can see the other opening around the outer circle in the distance, I designed it this way so as soon as the game begins, the action starts, there'll be no searching for people in this map!

Just a closer look at the bottom of the pit, you can see a walkway below, these leads to the inner circle, and the bottom tier of the outer circle, the only place of refuge! but as these bullets are showing, once you fall off, there's no savin' ya!

This is the core of the inner circle, this was the place was designed for all the players to try and flood to, there are weapons/armor/healthpacks and other goodies in here, if you can manage to hold this area, you'll be the king of the arena!

This is the final spawn place, the top tier of the inner circle, just you. A rocket launcher, and 11 surrounding players spawning. Have fun!

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