Monday 24 September 2012

Industry jobs; Programming.

So after a rather short break, it's already time to start my second year at Futureworks!

This year we're adding a "fourth discipline" to our roster of lessons, this being production, more or less designed to teach us about how to handle the production of a game, from time management to certain business aspects, it all sounds rather fun :)

The first task assigned was to choose an industry discipline (Art, Design, Programming), and look into the different roles within, I chose programming, I looked into job sites and articles such as "" and found there are many, many different roles within programming, It was a little overwhelming since at the moment I can't code my way out of a paper bag!

On a brighter note it was nice to see that there are many jobs going for various companies, and it seems like finding employment as a skilled programmer is fairy easy, let's just hope I can learn enough at Futureworks and make some games good enough to get an entry level position somewhere awesome!

Here's a quick copy and paste from a word document I made ^_^

Programming Roles within discipline:
Game Engine programmer: developing graphics and simulate physics to make up the game engine. Physics engine programmer: determining the physics that will be utilised, i.e real-world, space. Graphics engine programmer: mostly for smart-phones/hand held, troubleshooting 3d graphic renderers. AI programmer: design and develop technologies within game systems that simulates human behaviour. UI programmer: develop and maintain the user interface, developing multiple and one is selected to suit the game. Input programmer: develop the code that operates joysticks, keyboards, and other hardware devices affecting gameplay. Network programmer: develop codes that permit players to interact and play with other players in different locations through the Internet or a LAN Porting programmer: converting code from one platform to another. Generalist: locate bugs, eliminate them. (Smaller companies, multiple jobs) Lead game programmer: supervising all the programming performed while a new game is developed. Don't code much, overseeing and attending meeting

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