Monday 22 April 2013

It's been a while!

It's been nearly a month since I last posted on this blog, that's mainly because I've been working my bum off trying to get these backgrounds done in time for the next deadline, which is just over a week away..Yikes!

We have since changed (slightly) the dimensions to refine them a little better, these are reflected, naturally, in the backgrounds! So, since my last post I have managed to get all 4 finished, they're a lot different to how the concepts look, but I think I've done a good job and deserve a long rest from art! Hint Hint...

This was the original concepts (We wanted a centre piece in each dimension (the ship/box/house/factory)
Anyway, I'll post the new backgrounds and talk a little about them.


The Void Dimension
Ok, let me talk a little about this dimension, I always imaged it purple, don't know why, I just did! So I've drawn a vortex in the background, as a means in and out of the void, that's how Hop got there! The center piece for this background is the huge floating rock oozing out goo, Ryan has put goo on the tiles, so I just made it fit, I've also added goo into various places where other things will turn up in the other dimensions, and cracks too! You'll see what I mean with the others.


The Candy Dimension
Formerly known as the biscuit dimension, we decided that it limited us too much, so we just made it all things confectionery. In the place of the floating rock we have a huge lollipop, instead of cracks, we have jelly beans, and a nice piece of cake instead of nasty goo! When you switch between these dimensions in game, It seems like objects that are in place never go away, they just change shape!


The Doodle Dimension
Formerly known as the paper dimension, we decided that this dimension needed more story, so instead, it's a dimension made up of children's doodles. With a sun center piece and paper hills, I think this fits quite nicely with the sprites and tiles. Notice the changes again? Some flowers and crayons! (and a cute tree!)


The Future Dimension
Formerly known as the metal dimension, well... There's just nothing cool or special about metal is there?! So I decided to spruce it up, and then some! Now that Hop is a half toy, half cyborg, I decided to make this dimension futuristic, with a tron inspired theme! The big tower is the new center piece and the neon tubes and old grinding cogs make up the rest, I'm really in love with this dimension as a whole!

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