Wednesday 26 June 2013

New Tiles #4 - The Future Dimension

Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd the last dimension.

Do note; although I'm quickly posting in game screenshots of the tiles, instead of individual tiles, to save time and give a better picture, please remember, each wall (i.e the ruler) is about 4/5 different tiles with it's own detail, I just don't want to spam blogger with a vertical slideshow of random bits and bobs!

Old future tiles (was mechanical dimension when these were made)

Old floor tile

Old floating tile

Old wall tile
Now, I may have purposely saved these ones till last, because personally, I just think they're the best by a long shot, I hope you like them too!

Tron, eat your heart out.
These are obviously, the floor/wall/floating tiles, all in one screenshot, I was inspired by a design I will find and post, of a futuristic city building, either way, I think these will look amazing in the final build of the game!!

New Tiles #3 - The Doodle Dimension

Same again, old first :)

Old floor tile

Old floating tile

Old wall tile
Same stuff again really, boring, no detail, not worthy of a release game!
New tiles...

Ok, so it's all in one this time :D Folder binder for the floor tiles, Rubber floating tiles, and see through rules for walls! (Notice the awesome shadows!)

New Tiles #2 - The Void Dimension

I'm just going to hammer these out.

Old floor tile

Old wall tile
Yep. That's it, the entire void was these two tiles spammed everywhere, It looked all uneven and patchy, I'm not even going to show it!

New tiles....

New floating tile examples
New walls and floor tiles

Runed wall tile (to indicate teleport use)
I posted these a little different, It's pretty tedious to see all the seperate tiles, so you can see in the grid how many tiles go into just one wall, instead of one tile spammed, I've made several, and it's taken me ages!!

New Tiles #1 - The Candy Dimension

I'm going to post these one after another, since I've forgotten to update regularly, I'll post 4 different entries, one for each dimension.

A short pre-note, We got our feedback for the previous hand in and we got a 1st! I'm super happy about it, and it kind of made the art worth it, kind of...! But hey, all that hard work paid off, SWEET!

Anyway, here are the old tiles from the candy dimension; ( I won't upload them all, there's FAR TOO MANY) but i'll just give some nice examples!

Old floor tile

Old crack tile

Old floating platform (left)

Old floating platform (middle)

Old wall tile
As you can see for yourself, there's little to no detail in any of these, and the background just trumps these boring designs, so much to my own dismay, here are the redone tiles.

New floor tile

New float tile

New wall tile
And of course, a quick preview of the level as a whole...

The Candy Dimension (In-Game!)

I think this looks, just, well, 1 million times better, with the floating chocolate bars and the nougat floors, I'm damn proud of this.